[PDF] Organic Chemistry ms Chouhan for JEE & NEET

MS Chouhan Organic Chemistry For jee pdf download

Organic chemistry is a major portion of chemistry and students need to understand this topic clearly. The book by Ms Chouhan is a comprehensive and concise introduction to the subject of organic chemistry.

The book starts with an overview of the subject and then goes on to discuss the concepts in detail. It covers various topics such as hydrocarbons, alkanes, aldehydes, alcohols, ethers and more. It also provides ample practice questions for students to prepare well for their exams.

This book can be used by both students who are taking school board examinations as well as competitive examinations like JEE or NEET.


  1. Organic Chemistry (Some Basic Principles and Techniques)
  2. Hydrocarbons (Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
  3. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
  4. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
  5. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids
  6. Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
  7. Biomolecules
  8. Polymers
  9. Chemistry in Everyday Life

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MS Chouhan Organic Chemistry For jee pdf download

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